
Student Activities

The objective of the college administration has always been to provide platforms to the students to be involved in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, in addition to their usual curricular assignments.

  • Most of the students become members of the co-curricular wings such as NCC, NSS, YRC, Rovers & Rangers, etc. These wings carry out various activities throughout the academic session including campus cleaning, extension activities for awareness generation on social, health and environmental issues and providing relief materials to people affected by natural disasters with the participation of students.
  • The Literary Club undertakes different literary programmes from time to time and also organizes competitions like essay, debate and quiz among the student members. Similarly, the Nature Club creates interests among the students for the protection of environment and conservation of natural resources by organizing lecture programmes, competitions and visit to natural spots of interest.
  • The students participate in the election to the Students’ Union, Dramatic Society, Athletic Society and other bodies. These bodies organize various activities/ competitions for the students. Sports events and cultural activities provide opportunities to the students to participate and win prizes.
  • The Alumni Association of the college organizes an annual function involving current students. The members of the Association visit the college as per their suitability and also advise the students on curricular and co-curricular matters, in addition to their interaction with the Principal.